Showing all posts tagged #website:

Curated Corner: A Sortable List of Upcoming Events!

Posted on December 16th, 2017

So I have a lot of browser bookmarks. Theoretically this is to keep me organized, but I've found that it's particularly unhelpful for when I have a list of conferences and events. In this case I still have to go through each page to look at the dates / prices / locations for each event and then subsequently forget them all and go through the same process again. To help alleviate some of that, I created a web page to help me keep track of interesting events for this year: http://www.devi-a.c...

New Website Up!

Posted on November 12th, 2017

Every once in a while I get the urge to redo how I'm presenting myself and my work on the web. Since I'm working on a lot of different things at once it's important for me to keep things that need to be continually updated (like this website) easy to maintain and clear for people using them. So here it is, presenting the new portfolio! -- And for when that changes, some pics for good measure:

Devi Acharya

Thoughts and projects in the realm of games, tech, and interactive media. Check out more of my work at